- Licensed Professional Counselor
- Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist
- Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
- Certified Clinical Telemental Health Professional
- Certified Brain Coach via the Amen Clinics
- Clinical Supervisor within the state of Virginia
- Owner of Rightly Dividing Truth Counseling
Areas of Experience:
Individuals, Families, Parenting, Children/Adults/Geriatric, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Trauma, Attachment, Autism/Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Personality Disorders, Psychotic Disorders, Suicide/Self Harm, Court Related Cases, Government/Multidisciplinary Cases, and Crisis Management.
Group Clinical Supervision:
I am currently providing online group supervision to LPC residents in the state of Virginia. Group supervision is not meant to take the place of individual supervision. Every member of the group must maintain individual supervision in relation to their place of employment. While case consultation will be offered in the group setting, specific client interventions will need to be discussed/developed with your individual supervisor.
Group supervision will include topics such as:
- Psychotherapy Foundations: rapport building (client-centered approach), maintaining the therapeutic relationship, active/reflective listening skills, treatment diagnosing/planning (DSM V education regarding MH and SA), case management/consultation, and discharge planning.
- Psychotherapy Enhancements: therapeutic interventions and concepts, outside resources (brain mapping, neurofeedback, TMS, medication management, testing, etc.), treatment team building (MDs, PsyDs, other therapists, etc.), and types of therapy sessions.
- Psychotherapy Advancements: understanding neurology, trauma-informed care, understanding attachment styles, awareness of personality disorders/best therapeutic interventions, learning how to look beyond symptoms to understand the cause of client distress.
- Professional Identity: Ethical practices, transference/countertransference, therapist wellness/boundaries, dual relationships/conflict of interest, transparency, and overall level of personal awareness.
- Other Areas: Licensure examination, boundaries, brain/body wellness, court-related preparedness, and working with government agencies.
- Professional Presentations: LPCs in various levels of practice, doctors, brain mapping technicians, teachers, etc.
Group Supervision Cohorts:
As a group supervision resident, you will have the opportunity to participate online in at least 4 months of group supervision (a minimum of 16 hours of group work). Each cohort will last 4 months and focus on one of the above levels of psychotherapy: Foundations, Enhancements, and/or Advancements. Should you wish to continue in group supervision, you may have the option to progress onto the next cohort that focuses on another level of psychotherapy. Each level is built upon the one before, it is important to complete the first level before progressing onto the next.
By creating cohorts I have ensured that you will not have to repeat information with a new resident joining the group, that the time is structured/educational/informative, as well as avoiding committing you to long-term group supervision if you prefer to choose another path or your season of life does not allow for the commitment.
The goal of each cohort is to teach and educate you on as much psychotherapy as possible. I do not want to waste your time, be distracted by interruptions, or discuss basic therapy concepts you learned in grad school. This time is created to enhance your knowledge and develop into a more clinically self-aware therapist.
Due to the level of individualization, I prefer to provide to my residents, my goal is to keep each group supervision cohort small and intimate. I also understand and respect that privately paying for your supervision is an investment into yourself as a therapist, therefore I want you to have a clear opportunity to ask questions, present situations, and learn to the fullest extent possible without being overwhelmed by large group sizes.
Group Supervision Costs:
- $75 per hour, per person - averaging two to four people in a cohort
- $60 per hour, per person if you have a group of four residents ready to join as a group
Supervision Relationship:
My goal is to provide you with a non-judgmental, supportive, person-centered, kind, and caring supervision relationship. I love to teach and come alongside residents who are eager to learn, ask questions, and develop into thoughtful clinicians.
If you are looking to enhance your current clinical supervision or any level of your professional development, please do not hesitate to reach out to inquire about group supervision.
If you have questions or are interested in online group supervision, please contact Katelynn directly at or contact Katelynn here.
I look forward to starting this with you!!